Claims Management
Security | se¦cur|ity ~ sɪˈkjɔːrɪti/ the state of feeling safe, stable, and free from fear or anxiety
At PAX we know the events leading to a claim will be the most traumatic and upsetting our clients will ever experience. It is a period of great stress and uncertainty – a time when our clients need us most to assist them in achieving the financial security and peace of mind we have planned for.
Proactive Claims Management allows our clients
to focus on what is most important –
their health and their families
We believe passionately that it is at this moment we can add the most value to our clients' lives. While we hope our clients never have to claim, we take pride in the opportunity to personally manage the process if they do.
Our understanding and long term relationships with the major insurers enables us to work in partnership
to achieve positive outcomes for clients.
Contrary to popular belief, the major insurers are genuinely committed to paying claims, proven by the fact
we have successfully managed claims totalling over $65,000,000 since 2010.